to Jun 30

Parking Lot Expansion

  • Google Calendar ICS

In 2020, God blessed us with this building! Since then, we've done numerous renovations to make it a hospitable place where people can meet Jesus.

And now we have approval from the City to begin our Parking Lot Expansion!

Why expand the parking lot? More parking means that more people can come in the doors and experience the love of Jesus!

We are in the process of raising $500,000 to complete this project.

How can you join in?

  1. To contribute financially, click the link below!

  2. Please park off-site on Sundays! We have a shuttle service from the OSU Western Building lot, located at the corner of 35th St. & Western Blvd.

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to Apr 7

Ladies of Grace 2025

Ladies of Grace City, you’re invited to our 2025 women's retreat, Ladies of Grace, the weekend of May 16th to May 18th!

Ladies of Grace is designed to provide space for intentional growth in our relationships with Jesus and with other ladies here at Grace City. Discipleship doesn’t happen in isolation. It happens in community with other people who are also learning how to follow Jesus more wholeheartedly. Over the weekend, we'll have teachings, breakout sessions, worship and time for connection & fun!


  • When: Friday, May 16th at 7pm to Sunday, May 18th at 12pm.

  • Where: Retreat venue is located in Turner, OR (45min drive from Corvallis)

  • Who: Women of Grace City, 17 years and older.

  • Weekend Cost: $275

  • What is included in the cost: Two nights lodging, four meals, registration for conference events (main sessions, worship and breakout sessions), merchandise and recreational activities. 

  • Do not let cost be a barrier to attending. We have resources available! 

  • Registration Deadline: Monday, April 7th

  • Questions? Email office@gracecitychurch.org  

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to Apr 27

Ekklesia Sign-ups: Spring Term

  • Google Calendar ICS

Ekklesia [ekk-luh-see-yuh] is the Greek word meaning "church," and it is what we call our small groups. This is the place where a crowd on Sunday becomes a tight-knit community, the space where you can cultivate thriving relationships with both God and others. They are vital to a healthy, growing life as a follower of Jesus, and we can’t wait to get you connected. 

We have a variety of Ekklesias that you could join, including multi-generational, gender-specific, shared interests, or similar life stages. Whichever group you choose to be a part of, they all have these things in common: sharing a meal, sharing a mission, and sharing life. So if you’re looking for community, want to dive deeper with other people at Grace City, or are still wrestling through what it looks like to follow Jesus, we would love for you to join one of our Ekklesias!

  • Spring term Ekklesias will start the week of April 6th and end the week of June 1st.

  • Learn More here

  • Questions? Please email ekklesia@gracecitychurch.org 

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to May 25

ENC Nights - Spring Term

Every Nation Campus (ENC) is our in-house campus ministry at Grace City. If you’re a college student, or college-aged, join us for our ENC Nights - A time for teaching, worship and community! This is a moment for us to come together to have fun, worship, and grow in the Lord.

Oh, did we forget to mention there will be free dinner? Come hungry!

Upcoming ENC Nights:

  • Sunday, March 30th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, April 27th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, May 11th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, May 25th at 6:30pm

Questions? Email our Campus Missionary, Amanda McBride, at amanda@gracecitychurch.org

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect 4/6

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then this is the class for you! 


  • Spring Term Dates:

    • Sunday, April 6th from 1pm-2:30-pm

    • Sunday, May 4th from 1pm-2:30-pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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7:00 PM19:00

Palm Sunday - Worship & Prayer

Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week. The whole point of the Gospel comes down to the events of Holy Week: Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem for the Passover festival, his arrest, trial, death and resurrection. Holy week is an opportunity to reflect on who Jesus is, what He did and what the implications are for us. This is good news that never gets old! 

This year we are kicking off Holy Week with a night of worship & prayer on Palm Sunday - April 13th at 7pm.

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5:30 PM17:30

Good Friday Services

Good Friday is a somber night for us to remember the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for each of us. We will have two services at 5:30pm and 7pm, with childcare provided at the 5:30pm service. We hope you will join us for this powerful time of reflection.

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10:00 AM10:00

KidCity Easter Egg Hunt

Families of Grace City, come celebrate Easter with us at our KidCity Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19th!

There will be an egg-cellent easter egg hunt in our very own backyard, activities for the kids, and fellowship! If you are new to Grace City or have been coming for awhile, this is a great way to get to know other families at Grace City!

  • When: Saturday, April 19th from 10am to 11:30am

  • Where: Grace City Church

  • What: Egg hunt & kid activities

  • Bring: An easter egg basket for your kids

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9:00 AM09:00

Easter Sunday

Join us Easter Sunday during our two regular services at 9am & 11am. This is our time to celebrate with our worship to King Jesus and proclaim the good news of the Gospel together. Bring your family, friends, neighbors - everyone is welcome. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect 5/4

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then this is the class for you! 


  • Spring Term Dates:

    • Sunday, April 6th from 1pm-2:30-pm

    • Sunday, May 4th from 1pm-2:30-pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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7:00 PM19:00

Night of Worship

We believe that corporate times of singing, praying and responding to God shape us. And they give us insight into His vision for us and our community.

This night of worship is designed for us to take a deep breath and say that only God is worthy of our total devotion and praise. We set aside other things and make ourselves available to Him. We come together and proclaim that He is worthy, He is in control, and He deserves our worship.

Join us on Sunday, May 4th at 7pm!

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to Mar 20

Go Conference 2026

  • Cape Town South Africa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As you may have heard, the 2026 Every Nation GO Conference is next March in Manila, Philippines! 

Every three years our global family of churches, Every Nation, hosts a conference and invites the world to celebrate and worship together. The conference has daily main teachings, powerful worship, and a variety of topical breakout sessions. It's a life changing moment getting to be in the same room with our greater spiritual family from over 75 nations. This year, we are also including an option for a short mission trip on the back end of the conference for those who would like to experience cross-cultural missions while still in Manila!

This year, Grace City is also hoping to include an option for a short missions trip on the back end of the conference for those who would like to experience international missions. More details to come! 

Interested? Click the button to fill out an interest form so we can reach out when more details become available!

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect 3/16

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then this is the class for you! 


  • When: Sunday, March 16th from 1pm-2:30-pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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to Mar 15

Story of God

The Bible is a large book that can seem difficult to understand, but it is actually one beautiful, cohesive story that all points to Jesus. Come learn the story in this two-day class from Friday night to Saturday afternoon.

Pastor Seth Trimmer will unpack Genesis to Revelation in a fresh way that will uncover its brilliance, wisdom and lead you to understand Scripture in ways you never have before!


  • When: Friday, March 14th to Saturday, March 15th

  • Time: Friday from 6pm-8:30pm and Saturday from 9am-3pm, with an hour lunch break at 12pm (lunch on your own)

  • Where: Grace City Church

  • Cost for: Individuals $20 // Couples $30 // Students are free

  • Provided: Course materials and breakfast snacks on Saturday. Please make your own arrangements for childcare, as childcare is not provided.

  • Registration required to attend, register below!

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to Mar 9

ENC Nights - Winter Term

Every Nation Campus (ENC) is our in-house campus ministry at Grace City. If you’re a college student, or college-aged, join us for our ENC Nights - A time for teaching, worship and community! This is a moment for us to come together to have fun, worship, and grow in the Lord.

Oh, did we forget to mention there will be free dinner? Come hungry!

Upcoming ENC Nights:

  • Sunday, Feb. 23rd at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, March 9th at 6:30pm

Questions? Email our Campus Missionary, Amanda McBride, at amanda@gracecitychurch.org

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect 2/16

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then this is the class for you! 


  • Upcoming Dates:
    - Sunday, February 16th from 1pm- 2:30pm
    - Sunday, March 16th from 1pm-2:30-pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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5:45 PM17:45

Parents Nite Out

Grace City Youth Groups are hosting a Parent’s Nite Out as a fundraiser to help students go to Summer Camp! On Friday, February 14th, you can drop your kids off at KidCity starting at 5:45pm and have time for whatever you'd like to do from 6-8pm. The cost is $50 per family, and remember, it’s going to a great cause!! Children must be registered so we can plan accordingly.

There will be a fun night planned for your crew so you can take a load off and enjoy your sweetheart, right in time for Valentine’s Day! Please feed your kids before drop off, as dinner for the kids WILL NOT be provided.

  • When: Friday Feb 14th. Drop off starting at 5:45p & pick up by 8pm

  • Where: KidCity at Grace City Church

  • Who: Kids 0 years - 4th grade (current 5th graders are able to come to summer camp).

  • Registration is required. Register below!

  • Why: Fundraiser for summer youth camps!

  • Cost: $50 per family

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to Feb 4

Men's Weekend 2025

Attention men of Grace City - you're invited to our 2025 Men’s Weekend - Friday, February 28th to Sunday, March 2nd! 

This weekend is your opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus, strengthen your faith, and build connections with other men. Discipleship doesn’t happen in isolation - it happens when walking with other godly men. Let’s take this opportunity to get away from the workplace and home, get around other guys, and grow in our faith in Jesus together.

Weekend Details:

  • When: Friday, February 28th at 7pm to Sunday, March 2nd at 12pm.   

  • Where: Weekend venue is located in Turner, OR (45min drive from Corvallis)

  • Who: Men of Grace City, 17 years and older.

  • Weekend Cost: $275

  • What is included in the cost: Two nights lodging, four meals, registration for conference events (main sessions, worship and breakout sessions), merchandise and recreational activities. 

  • *Do not let cost be a barrier to attending. We have resources available* 

  • Registration Deadline: Monday, February 3rd

  • Questions? Email office@gracecitychurch.org  

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6:30 PM18:30

Date Night

We are partnering with Couples, A Marriage and Family Ministry, to put on a Date Night!

Enjoy a magical evening, that starts with catered desserts and hors d'oeuvres, and is followed by a magical night you won't forget! Award-winning magician Ty Gallenbeck will host an experience that will fill your hearts and blow your spouse's mind! It's a magic show like no other. You will have great opportunities to connect as you watch, laugh, gasp, and participate together! Plus we might just pull some date nights and prizes out of our Couple's Magic Hats!


  • What: A super fun date night!

  • When: Friday, January 31st from 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Who: For couples that are married, engaged or on their way to engagement!

  • Cost: $50 per couple *Don’t let finances be a barrier. There are scholarships available!

  • Childcare: Will be provided for kids 12 years and younger. Registration is required.

  • Questions? Contact Chris Herb, with Couples ministry at 541.908.3333

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3:00 PM15:00

Successful Money Management

Grace City is offering a financial class led by our very own Jason Harris and Philip Peterson called “Successful Money Management”.

In this 7-week class, you’ll learn how to take your next step in relating well with money, plus be able to tackle concepts that can lead to your financial success. We’ll walk through simple to complex terms that every person should know about money and finances and we’ll also give you time-proven tips to help you take your money habits to the next level, regardless of your stage in life.

Class Details: 

  • 7-week class

  • When: Sunday afternoons starting on Jan. 26th to Mar. 9th 

  • Time: 3pm-4:30pm

  • Where: Grace City Church

  • Cost: $40.

  • The first session is FREE to check it out.

  • Scholarships available if financial assistance is needed

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7:00 PM19:00

Worship Night

Worship Night to conclude our Week of Prayer, Fasting & Consecration.

  • Join us as we break the fast together and end the week with a corporate time of praise, prayer, and communion on Friday, January 10th at 7pm. 

  • Please note, there are no prayer meetings before the worship night at 7pm.

Click here for more details on our Week of Prayer, Fasting & Consecration.

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to Jan 10

Week of Prayer, Fasting & Consecration

Here at Grace City, we begin each new year by setting aside a week to pursue the Lord and to refocus our minds and hearts on His truth. We fast by giving up something that is important to us- like food, social media, or coffee and we swap out the time we usually spend on that with dedicated times of prayer and scripture reading.

We know that not everyone is familiar with fasting and want to support you as much as we can! We provide a Fasting Guide which explains what fasting is and how to best prepare for it, and also includes some daily devotionals and scripture readings to help encourage you throughout the week.


Prayer times for Monday, Jan. 6th - Thursday, Jan. 9th:

  • 7am - The sanctuary will be available for a time of unstructured prayer on your own before you start your day of work/school

  • 12pm - The sanctuary will be available for a time of unstructured prayer on your own during your lunch break

  • 5:15pm-6:15pm - Join us for a time of worship and guided corporate prayer as we gather together to pray as a church and seek the Lord.

Friday, January 10th - Worship night at 7pm

  • Join us as we break the fast together and end the week with a corporate time of praise, prayer, and communion on Friday, January 10th at 7pm. 

  • Please note, there are no prayer meetings before the worship night at 7pm.

Prayer & Fasting Guide: Click the link to download the guide - a resource to help you prepare for the fast, and walk through the week with daily devotionals. Printed copies will be available after church in December. 

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9:00 AM09:00

December 29th Online Only Service

On Sunday, December 29th, we will be enjoying an online only Sunday service in honor of our amazing servant teams. If you serve in any capacity here at Grace City this is our way of saying THANK YOU! It is an honor to build the Kingdom with you. We hope you enjoy a well-deserved Sunday off as we honor and celebrate your generosity from home.

We will all be back together in person for the first Sunday of 2025!

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3:30 PM15:30

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Service TIMES: 3:30pm & 5pm

We are excited to come together to honor Jesus and celebrate His birth with a Christmas Eve Service. Bring your kids, your relatives and your neighbors. This will be a family-style service, and, keeping kids in mind, we will keep it nice and short!

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6:00 PM18:00

Light Up the Night

We’re celebrating the season with our annual Grace City Christmas party, Light up the Night - complete with games, desserts, performances from KidCity and a Christmas tree lighting!

Come join us for the celebration! And consider extending an invitation to other people in your life who are in need of community! Life with Jesus is marked by real, deep joy! What better way to introduce someone to the joy of being a part of His family than with a party like this one??

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6:00 PM18:00

ENC Night: 11/24 *Friendsgiving*

If you are a college student, we’d love to have you join us for ENC Friendsgiving at 6pm on Sunday, November 24th!

Friendsgiving is a time-honored tradition where our Every Nation Campus Team will be cooking up a festive holiday dinner for our college students before everyone heads home.

Please RSVP so we can try and have a headcount for food. If your RSVP changes at all, please email amanda@gracecitychurch.org.

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6:30 PM18:30

ENC Night 11/17

Every Nation Campus (ENC) is our in-house campus ministry at Grace City. If you’re a college student, or college-aged, join us for our ENC Nights - A time for teaching, worship and community! This is a moment for us to come together to have fun, worship, and grow in the Lord.

Oh, did we forget to mention there will be free dinner? Come hungry!

Fall Term ENC Nights:

  • Sunday, Nov. 17th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, Nov. 24th at 6pm

    *Special Edition: Friendsgiving!

Questions? Email our Campus Missionary, Amanda McBride, at amanda@gracecitychurch.org

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to Dec 16

The Big Give

  • Google Calendar ICS

We are embarking on something new this Christmas: The Big Give!

The Big Give is our opportunity to live out the words of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

On Sunday, December 8th, we are going to take up the biggest offering we can muster and give all of it away! Every single penny will go to the following local organizations that serve our community:

  • College Hill High School

  • Every Child

  • Love INC of Benton County

  • Options Pregnancy Resource Center

The giving link will go live on December 8th, and there will also be a special giving moment at the services that Sunday.

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7:00 PM19:00

Night of Worship

We believe that corporate times of singing, praying and responding to God shape us. And they give us insight into His vision for us and our community.

This night of worship is designed for us to take a deep breath and say that only God is worthy of our total devotion and praise. We set aside other things and make ourselves available to Him. We come together and proclaim that He is worthy, He is in control, and He deserves our worship.

Join us on Sunday, November 3rd at 7pm!

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect: Step 1 on 11/03

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then consider signing up for GC Connect! This is a 3-week class designed to help you uncover your skills, gifts, and talents and realize your God-given purpose, so that you can go and make a difference in the lives of others.


  • When: Sundays from 1pm- 2pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Class Length: This is a quick 3-week class that will cover 3 different steps. The steps must be taken in order, but don't worry we try to offer the class a couple times per term.

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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6:00 PM18:00

Worship & Sound Team: Audition Night

Do you play an instrument? Maybe you have some experience singing, or are you a hands-on person who has a passion for music? If your answer to any of those questions is yes, then this night is for you!

The Grace City Worship Team is looking for musicians to build out our teams, and we are going to host an open audition night for anyone interested in serving on this amazing team!

In addition to those who will serve on stage, we are also looking to add people with an ear for live sound to our Sound Team. During the audition night, you will have a chance to learn what kind of equipment we use and what is involved in serving on the Sound Team.

If either of these serving opportunities interest you, we would love for you to join us for this audition night. This isn’t just about sharing your skills, but it’s about helping create a space for others to experience and worship Jesus. There are a few things we need to know beforehand, so take a look at the details below.

Please fill out this form to RSVP. Once you RSVP, we will send you a song to practice ahead of time.

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7:00 PM19:00

Interest Meeting - ENC National Conference 2025

We are believing that the ENC 2025 National Conference will be a key faith-building moment for our students and campus ministry this year. Conferences serve as a catalytic moment for our OSU students, infusing faith and imparting passion for Jesus and the great commission.

Registration is now LIVE for our National ENC Conference! Yes, you heard that right - NATIONAL ENC Student Conference. We are going back to Orlando, Florida, the first week of January for a three day conference, where we will join in with thousands of other college students from across the country. Last year we took 30 students to this conference and came back empowered to reach our campus!

Who: College Students (18+) and High School Seniors (Coordinated by Youth Director Austin Seeley)

What: 2025 ENC National Conference

Where: Orlando, Florida

When: December 30th to January 4th, includes travel time. The conference is January 1st-3rd.

Cost: $1500. Covers the cost of conference registration, flights, hotel stay for four nights, select meals and New Year’s Eve celebration with Disney World park admission!

Click here to visit the ENC website and learn more about the conference!

Questions? Email amanda@gracecitychurch.org

Interest meeting: Sunday, OCtober 6th at 7pm in the fireside room.

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to Dec 1

ENC National Conference 2025

We are believing that the ENC 2025 National Conference will be a key faith-building moment for our students and campus ministry this year. Conferences serve as a catalytic moment for our OSU students, infusing faith and imparting passion for Jesus and the great commission. Moments like these stir up a heart for the next generation, and empower students to return full of faith that God will move through them on their campus. It is our desire to bring 25 students to Orlando in January to receive what God has in store for this moment.

Who: College Students (18+) and High School Seniors (Coordinated by Youth Director Austin Seeley)

What: 2025 ENC National Conference

Where: Orlando, Florida

When: December 30th to January 4th, includes travel time. The conference is January 1st-3rd.

Cost: $1500. Covers the cost of conference registration, flights, hotel stay for four nights, select meals and New Year’s Eve celebration with Disney World park admission!

Click here to visit the ENC website and learn more about the conference!

Questions? Email amanda@gracecitychurch.org

Interest meeting: Sunday, OCtober 6th at 7pm in the fireside room.

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6:30 PM18:30

ENC Night 9/29

Every Nation Campus (ENC) is our in-house campus ministry at Grace City. If you’re a college student, or college-aged, join us for our ENC Nights - A time for teaching, worship and community! This is a moment for us to come together to have fun, worship, and grow in the Lord.

Oh, did we forget to mention there will be free dinner? Come hungry!

Upcoming ENC Nights:

  • Sunday, Sept. 29th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, Oct. 20th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, Nov. 17th at 6:30pm

  • Sunday, Nov. 24th at 6pm

    *Special Edition: Friendsgiving!

Questions? Email our Campus Missionary, Amanda McBride, at amanda@gracecitychurch.org

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect: Step 1 on 9/29

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then consider signing up for GC Connect! This is a 3-week class designed to help you uncover your skills, gifts, and talents and realize your God-given purpose, so that you can go and make a difference in the lives of others.


  • When: Sundays from 1pm- 2pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Class Length: This is a quick 3-week class that will cover 3 different steps. The steps must be taken in order, but don't worry we try to offer the class a couple times per term.

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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to Sep 20

24hrs of Prayer, Fasting & Consecration

We believe God has big plans in store for us as a church this 2024-25 school year in terms of discipleship and growth, but all this starts with prayer and recognizing our dependence on Him.

With that in mind, we’re excited to start the year off with 24 Hours of Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration on September 19th and 20th! We will begin at 8pm on Thursday, 9/19 and conclude on Friday, 9/20 with a night of worship at 7pm, and we’ll break the fast by taking communion together.

Let’s kick off the 2024-25 school year right as a Grace City family through 24 Hours of Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration.

Prayer Times: 

To help facilitate 24hrs of prayer we will provide corporate times of prayer in our church building throughout the 24hrs. We invite you to sign up for hour-long time slots of prayer and intercession.


  • Thursday, September 19th at 8pm to Friday, September 20th.

  • Worship night on Friday, September 22nd at 7pm 

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect: Step 1 on 9/8

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then consider signing up for GC Connect! This is a 3-week class designed to help you uncover your skills, gifts, and talents and realize your God-given purpose, so that you can go and make a difference in the lives of others.


  • When: Sundays from 1pm- 2pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Class Length: This is a quick 3-week class that will cover 3 different steps. The steps must be taken in order, but don't worry we try to offer the class a couple times per term.

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare.

  • Questions? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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6:30 PM18:30

River Baptisms

Interested in getting baptized? We are having baptisms in the river after our Wednesday service on 8/28. Click here for more details on that service.

Water baptism is a public declaration an individual makes which identifies with Christ's death and resurrection - leaving behind our former lives of sin, and proclaiming a new life of living in Christ. As a church community we get to stand with that individual, celebrating the work God has done in their life up to that point and believing for all that is to come on their continued journey with Jesus.

Romans 6:1-4 "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."

If you are interested in getting baptized, click the button below.  

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6:30 PM18:30

Midweek Service - Wednesday at 6:30PM

  • Avery Park - Townsend Shelter (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our final Midweek Summer Service - park edition! If you are new to Grace City, this midweek service is a great time to get connected over the summer. We will gather at Townsend Shelter in Avery park, share a potluck dinner, hear a word from Pastor Seth and then the best for last, have baptisms in Mary's River!


  • Time: 6:30pm-8pm

  • When: Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30pm

  • Location: Townsend Shelter in Avery Park

  • Potluck Dinner: Bring your favorite dish to share and a blanket or chair to sit on.

  • Interested in getting baptized at this service? Click the button below to let us know!

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6:00 PM18:00

Brazillian BBQ + Potluck

Join us on Sunday, August 25th for our annual Brazilian BBQ!

What’s a Brazilian BBQ? Great question. It’s an opportunity to get together and feast before the summer is over. Claudio Caze, our resident Brazilian BBQer, will be cooking up the best meat you’ve ever had. All you have to do is bring a side dish to share, your own drinks and lawn chairs.

When: Sunday, August 25th at 6pm

Where: Backyard of Grace City Church

Bring: A potluck dish to contribute to the feast in addition to your own drinks & lawn chairs to sit outside

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1:00 PM13:00

GC Connect: Step 1 on 8/11

Are you new to Grace City? Or looking for a step you can take to learn more about who we are, what our mission is, and how you can join in? Then consider signing up for GC Connect! This is a 3-week class designed to help you uncover your skills, gifts, and talents and realize your God-given purpose, so that you can go and make a difference in the lives of others.


  • When: Sundays from 1pm- 2pm

  • Where: Fireside Room at Grace City Church

  • Class Length: This is a quick 3-week class that will cover 3 different steps. The steps must be taken in order, but don't worry we are offering a few rounds to complete the class this Summer & Fall!

    • August GC Connect starts on Sunday, August 11th and ends on August 25th. 

    • September GC Connect starts on Sunday, September 8th and ends on September 22nd. 

    • September GC Connect starts on Sunday, September 29th and ends on October 13th.

  • What is taught? During each hour-long class, we’ll be working through the GC Connect handbook which includes a mix of teaching and in-class discussion. You’ll get to know church staff and elders, in addition to others in the class. You will also have opportunities to sign up for church membership, take a personality and spiritual gifts test, and select a servant team to join based on your skills, talents, and interests.

  • Lunch & Childcare is provided in the class!

  • RSVP is required: In order to prepare for lunch and childcare, please RSVP here!

  • Questions regarding GC Connect? Email our Pastor of Discipleship, Jon Williamson at jon@gracecitychurch.org

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